“A healthy outside starts from the inside”
– Dr Yvonne Paton-Ross
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Would you like to unravel your health issues using my EHP method.
Emotional Health Profile
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Hello, I am Dr. Yvonne Paton-Ross founder of enhancing you holistic health coach.
How can I help you enhance your Health?
By introducing you to the mind and heart connection for better health. It has been proven scientifically that our thoughts and emotions affect how we feel and how we feel affects our wellbeing.
Holistic health. What does this mean?
That the mind and body work together. Your thoughts and feelings can affect the body. Science is now proving what eastern philosophy always knew.
Is there another way of looking at your illness? Yes
Can the holistic approach help you? Yes
What health issues can I help you with?
1. Stress
Stress-caused by an event that happened in the moment. The body then feels overwhelmed and this can trigger headaches, high blood pressure and sleeping problems.
2. Anxiety
Anxiety- Caused by persistent stress over a period of time and can contribute towards heart disease, cancer and compulsive behaviour such as overeating and gambling.
3. Inflammation
Inflammation-Can be caused by irritability building up in the body over a period of time, which can cause swelling and pain.
4. Digestion System
Digestion System-we can often have bloating, heartburn, stomach cramps, which can relate to stress and anxiety.
5. Weakened Immune System
Immune System-can be caused by infection, poor diet and nutrition.
6. Panic Attacks
Panic Attacks (respiratory System)- Breathing can be restricted by panic and fear, which often leads to anxiety and your ability to cope being compromised.
7. Muscle and joint pain
Muscle and Joint pain- when our movements start to become restricted, as the body feels tense, leading to pain and resistance to moving as the concentrations is on the pain.

7 Solutions to the 7 causes
1. Stress -to understand that some stress is necessary to help the body in dangerous situations-fight or flight. Chronic stress needs more attention there are a few ways in which we can deal with this.
- What are the smaller issues?
- Finding the root cause.
- Exploring your feelings.
- Balancing the root chakra
2. Anxiety – long term stress-how we can deal with this-
- Building up your self-esteem.
- Finding the root cause.
- Exploring your feelings.
- Balancing the sacral chakra
3. Inflammation – How we deal with this –
- Addressing any anger, you may have.
- Finding the root cause.
- Exploring your Feelings.
- Balancing the Solar Plexus.
4. Digestion System – How can we deal with this?
- Addressing any hurtful emotions.
- Finding the root cause.
- Exploring your feelings.
- Balancing the Solar plexus
5. Immune System – How to deal with this?
- By asking yourself if you are doing too much.
- Finding the root cause.
- Exploring your feelings.
- Balancing the Throat chakra.
6. Panic Attacks – How to deal with this.
- Dealing with your emotions of feeling undermined.
- Finding the root cause.
- Exploring your feelings.
- Balancing the heart charka.
7. Muscle and joint pain – How can we deal with this?
- Dealing with your rigid thinking.
- Finding the root cause.
- Exploring your feelings.
- Balancing the root chakra.

How can I help you?
By empowering you with the knowledge that our health can be greatly improved when we understand how the mind affects the body.

Did you know that most of us at some time will experience a mental health related issue?
How can I help you?
Mental health issues are mainly caused by stress and anxiety and when stress and anxiety build up in the body then the body starts to show the signs of illness.
How can I help you?
In order for us to improve our health, we must be aware of our stress and anxiety and be prepared to make changes that will allow us to take charge of our stress and anxiety by changing our thoughts about them.
“Yesterday I was clever and wanted to change the world. Today I am wise so I am changing my thoughts”—Rumi

Book your free discovery session here now
Would you like to unravel your health issues using my EHP method.
Emotional Health Profile
Book a discovery call for some valuable insights.